A custom Smathers & Branson needlepoint belt depicting the Langston Golf Course.
All proceeds will go to helping the NLT promote and protect affordability, accessibility, and engaging golf course architecture at municipal courses throughout the United States of America.
Additional sizes, or out of stock sizes, may be ordered via shop@nationallinkstrust.com.
The simplest way to determine the belt size is to add 2-3 inches to the men’s pant waist size. For example, if the recipient wears a 36” waist pant, then a 38” belt will probably be the right fit. If the recipient wears multiple pant sizes, use the largest size to calculate the correct belt size. Most will find this formula works best for chino style pants worn at a traditional height - close to the natural waistline. For a belt to wear with low rise pants or jeans, consider adding 3 or 4 inches to the pant size. This method is intended for men only.